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"PanDamIcky Sick World"

#11 Thematic, Raddest Baddest

 Coronavirus, it's global crisis

Its inside us all around us spreading like wildfire 
Sanitize and stay inside were all fearing for our lives
As the death toll rises, thousands more hospitalized
Worldwide, this quick killing influenza in disguise
Is terrifying, it could be humankinds demise
It's coming after every one of every shape and size
Covid 19 - hide your husbands, hide your wives

This deadly pandemic has the public in a panic

Health clinics are crammed to the max..
Half the masses lack access to tests
No one is safe you cannot even vaccinate
It can incubate for weeks before Corona seals your fate
This inescapable outbreak has led to statewide measures being taken
For Gods sake, the NBA got cancelled,
Schools, too and most public places
So, Stock up on food, supplies, and meds... whatever you can find
All of Italy is in quarantine, and so are the cruislines
Corona virus of 2020 , were about to lose our minds
Covid 19, hide ya husbands, hide ya wives

Screened breathing  depleted speaking 
Covid 19 - no company keeping
Fiending intimate seeings of teeth 
Heal us please Jesus we need to convene




When word of my swerve fell upon the nut herd… this kid got the blues in a blanket cause he was frightened he was like wha wha wha  And jumped under that thing so he could hide. 

Cuz my style is so funky, when it hit them it was madness man! All the Sunday funny's cries were heard throughout the land. 

The comic strip kids all got the jitters and they bit their bottom lips scared shitless when they heard about the princess BIZ.

  The first to sense my incoming finesse was that kid who they all call pig pen. Cause the static from my wackness made the dust and gravel rise like ashes, smacked the kid upon his ass and turned his skin like so damn black no matter how hard you try you couldn't see the poor little man.

 Charlie Brown tried to stand his ground so he waited upon his pitcher's mound But when my epic sound hit town, he was nowhere to be found. 

This chick Luce had a booth and she tried to soothe the peewee crew cause  They lined up like wha wha wha she thought they all should do. She was broke and had a beef with anybody not from her street, so she advised the guys to practice jazz and funk and rhyme so they could battle me when I arrived. No one knew the wiser so they paid the girl in dimes.

 Peppermint Patty and Sally hid inside of snoop's co-op to do some rapping,  And Woodstock he hollered from the top, calling out to all the birdies who be in his flock. 

Snoop came back with ammo stacked cuz it's cause he had heard about my act from the cat who lived next door, so they both warmed up their roars, but of course they all fell short, cause they're soft and I'm hardcore.

When Schroeder read the stats about my super phat 8-track, he tried to tap himself into his inner jazz-man. So he sat at his ivory and blacks and practiced till every fingertip was calloused, out of all the tee-ball batters, this kid surely had the most talent.

But still the challenge, reeked havoc on the graphics, but they did have one advantage.  His name was Franklin, and he had that dark brown skin, which mean he had some zing in his ancestral lineage. So they all turned to him to see what he could bring to the table, and he said something about the tower of babel.

So they all grabbed their bibles, tryin' to understand this child, and they read of what transpired when the people's pride was piled too high... when God said quit collabbin', I'm a mix you up like 

Grammar Day In Effect


Gotta know your grammar if you wanna write a stantza

Apostrophes please, when you're showing whose it beez

Or stick it in like a key where letters used to be

Its accentuating so we read the in the voice narrating

So Tell me which goes where and when

Well the rule has always been

If casting spells the H is dropped, cause witches got their lessons taught

Not from books but from warlocks, so they’re left out Heavens lock,

But the other spelling is not a curse, the H is replaced

This time to indicate that another option were the case

Choosing which is best, be a witch like from the westalso easter,

Its isn't math so grab your pen, learn these rules, i know you can,

Now lets explore deeper now: bout the colon

well its kreeps in after sentence incompletion

Fore what follows these two dots are more than happy faces thoughts

what belongs there, after all, a list or an assist

Like if a question were implied, a colon says: Get this!

A reply if the predicate clause left paws,

Not a comma, that be another grammar law,

Apostrophe on top but fallen down, a breathing spot,

Sure the comma's full of drama I cant wait to tell you bout iut

Because you kids might've forgot, we'll put back one of the dots

Grammar takes two eyes to see this semi-colon and where its tucked

To keep your sentences safe from a running on

The semi-colon breaks it up, Now 2 parts can get it done,

Suppose the first clause forgot its bra and needed support

The second clause then will need no direct object to sport,

First clause is the cause, the Second clause states effect,

To keep your readers right on track, the semi-colon must erect

You think that grammar is complex, but really its the thoughts expressed,

Even With a lexicon you're nothing much without syntax,,

If emphasis cannot be fed your readers starving for  some sense

carve some class out of your pen with proper grammar, friends

If you made the punch and got a full sentence construct,

Don't just stop abrupt without punctuation stuff, punk

My hunch is that u need a dot, or period, as such,

That’s for the regular ones, many are not

But if the sound is extra loud, an exclamation point bound

When three dots end it off, an ellipse is what you got…

Now your dont have to even finish what you though

Uncertainty is sure to be a lot of what you got

Rouunded sign above a dot, a question marks the spot

Ask a reader, hit me back, reflect upon a thought,

without this mark your readers won't know who what where when or how it was you sought

Ask me how to spell? cause Words sounds dont always tell

Puzzled by two ways trouble three can make you crumble down

Grammar cookin' in the pot got the rules u need in stock

Join the huddle listen up and learn whatever you forgotr

Who dat in the kitchen? NAH its with WHOM am I speaking?

He or she, both need to eat but whomever will do the dishes?

The former or the latter? Well you thought it didn't matter,

I don't wanna repeat so i stick these dummies in for each

Referencing the nouns and replacing them with freaky sounds

Former always first and the ladder afterwards,

Not another curse, just a lesson in order here at Grammar school.

Detroit Lines


“Detroit Lines”

#17 Thematic, Raddest, Baddest

Wack MC's talking about they want to breed as there scratching off there fleas deep in the Detroit era circa 99 about a decade after America's worst crime y2k make it 3 hate hate when the train came late all the city came to hate Henry Ford first worst mistake when the jeeps Lex coups beamers all got bent out of shape Motown came down with a rattle and a shake each screech heard deep beneath each one of the great lakes, left rubble so deep and greasy the lakes wouldn't even freeze , every other street got sheets of metal hidden in the streets, shrapnel hit the x upon the head with more than lead, my generation metal heads got rings around our necks and legs acrobatic

Tresses of Trayvon

Listen To Tresses of Trayvon On Soundcloud


You see me in my hood,
but thats only cause my hair ain't dry yet,
still got another hour till this thang can come alive,
my mane is getting done but under a hood its hidden,
Cause these silky strans just need love and weather protection,
it takes finesse to get my messy mop of frizz snarl free and a lot of time to tame my do of ringlet wannabes,
 if you wonder what lurks its my beast getting worked,
but I was fixing for a cigarillo so I grabbed my purse,
 took a stroll to the corner store,
what up to the clerk, at first he thought the worst, n had to take a second look,
 like I was maybe gonna rob him but I was 
working on my bob
He  didnt know about the half done job under the cloth,
 little did he know I was primping just before,
Wasn't trying to run into anybody that I know,
I mean  I'm surely super fresh but I was dressed in ugly sweats,
My tangled head prevented me from presenting all my best,
But on my way home, well, little did I know,
About the man who sat in the window,
 between blinds spying on me,
But I'm as innocent and as infant,
As he gripped his glock,
My happy ass just kept walking down the sidewalk 
Cause you see me walking by and instantly I'm outta line cause its night time the moon is up and I be out so I guess I must be getting into something cuz nobody else be up for nothing at this time a night the only Stirring up be troubling
you're wondering what kinda laws that i'm defying and my long leg strides tell you I'm running from a crime, 
so what u some street team justice league master
neighborhood watch leader ? crime stoppin' thug blaster?
All-seeing cross-guard n' side-walk referee
Armchair window peeper, after hour peace keeper?
On the lookout for hoodlums in hoods who be up to no good,
On the watchout for thugs in Lugs who be out for blood
Got a keen eye on crooks and kids crossing through your yard 
Your fully loaded glock tightly gripped between your arms
Imagination's running wild when you see me, just a teen
Already got a lawyer to protect you from police
you see me walkin by, instantly im outta line
its nighttime the moon is up im out so i must
 be getting into something
cause nobody else be up for nothin
at this time of night the only thing stirring up be troubling
you're wondering, what s kinda law i be defying,
my long legs' strides tell you im running from a crime 
I've got my hoodie on and up so i'm terrifyin' ya
you're dreading what be in my pocket as your finger slides....
Zimmerman, and his racist sentiment,
Couldn't tell a homebound brown skinned kid from a criminal convict.
Cause what I was teaching for, was just a comb, you deplorable murderer - I never made it home.